
Tomas Lileikis

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areas of practice
  • IT law

  • IT related public procurement

  • Dispute resolution

  • 2009 VU Faculty of Law, Master's degree, Commercial Law

  • Lithuanian

  • English

13 years’ experience working in the field of IT law

Tomas Lileikis is one of the most experienced IT law experts in Lithuania, having gained his professional experience working in the largest Baltic law firms and private practice.

Since the beginning of his career, Tomas has been actively involved in the development of the IT sector. His experience allows him to perfectly understand the needs of various IT market players, including software developers, growing companies and multinationals.


LLD Law Firm, 2015 (private practice)

2008-2015 legal practice in large and niche Lithuanian law firms

Some IT clients

IT law boutique

Why choose a boutique?

Our specialisation in IT, the attention of our professional team, and many years of experience in the sector allow us to provide pragmatic solutions tailored to your business, saving you time and money.

About the process
sync legal